Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Busy Day ...but we got bread from God...

Oh boy. We are SO busy. This raw diet is hard to figure out when you have class all day then work all night and have a husband at work all day and at various Church events all night. Ugh! So, what do you do when you are so busy?

Today, to consolidate prep time, we had breakfast (I had a breakfast smoothie, not sure what hubby had...I was still sleeping *hehe*). I'm pretty sure he had GrapeNuts or something. For lunch, husband took spelt bread and hummus with some veggies (the rest of our cucumber). I had some veggies. I had an apple for a snack. Husband had left over veggies and leftover breakfast smoothie for dinner. I am having some veggies on an Ezekiel 4:9 wrap.

This wrap is the bomb. I think. I haven't tasted it yet, but it smells like it. AND, I think it is awesome that it was made based on a Bible verse. What better way to learn a little bit about God than to take something directly from his word and eat it--while learning about the book it comes from. The verse talking about this bread is as follows (ESV):

And you, take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and emmer, and put them into a single vessel and make your bread from them. During the number of days that you lie on your side, 390 days, you shall eat it. 

Here's a link to Wikipedia, talking about the book of Ezekiel. Pretty interesting stuff. I'm going to read more about this later tonight!

Well, I'm about to dig in. It smells good. I know its not raw, but luckily it is made out of live grains. The mixture to go inside this dinner wrap is:
A leaf of romaine lettuce, mushrooms, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, red peppers, cayenne powder, olive oil, basil, black pepper, chili powder. I mixed these all in the food processor and will spoon it onto my wrap and lettuce and enjoy! :)


Tess said...

I love the Ezekiel tortillas! They are a staple, I always have them on hand and can eat them for days without tiring of them! I also like the verse, the ingredients make a perfect protein. One of these days I'm going to get around to making real Ezekiel bread :)

Anonymous said...

They are really good, aren't they!? I love them! :)

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