Monday, June 27, 2011


Hey all!

I am embarking on a "One new salad per week" extravaganza. I am doing this to keep switching it up and also cut down on grocery bills. The idea is that I only buy the ingredients for one variation of salad and eat that for about one week before switching to a new salad I've never tried before.

This is only lunch, mind you. Breakfast smoothies are still on the menu and often we have a healthy, whole, cooked meal at dinner with a regular side salad or veggie sticks or some other raw side.

Heres where YOU come in handy. Please send me your favorite ever salad recipes!

So far, mine is:

Arugula and Baby Italian Greens
Red Onions
Dried Cranberries
Raspberry Vinegar Dressing


What is yours?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cucumber + Nectarine Green Smoothie


I just ate a huge green smoothie and I might explode. But, I wanted to tell you how delicious it was and give you a recipe. This is sooo goooood. I love this smoothie. A lot. Seriously. I personally like to think I am a master smoothie maker now that I have the hang of it, and this smoothie is just proof of my genius.

Nectarines are in season and apparently so are cucumbers (they are only fifty cents each right now! WHAT WHHAATTT!). Thus, cucumber nectarine smoothie. Alas, here is the awaited recipe:

Ingredients (Makes 2 Pints = 2 Servings)
* 2 Nectarines
* 1 medium Cucumber
* A handful of Fresh Spinach
* 2 tablespoons of Flax Seeds
* 2 Bananas
* 1/2 c. Water

Blend. haha. For those of you who don't know, I blend flax seeds and veggies first, then fruit, then bananas. I have a regular blender. One day I'll have a VitaMix or something. I use it enough to justify the cost!

....exploding now. I am so full. UGHHHHH. I don't know why I feel so full! Maybe its the flax seeds. I don't know but I am going to go sit in my smoothie drunk state for a few minutes.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ani's Confetti Salad

This week for lunch I am having Ani Phyo's Confetti Salad (with a cucumber/orange dressing) from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen.

It is delicious, but I HATE cherries, as I've come to discover, and cherries are on this salad. Dried ones. I am eating them today, but they will not be a part of my salads for the rest of the week. Obviously, that is simply a personal preference kinda thing. The dressing is delicious. I am really impressed with this dressing! IT IS SO GOOD...the flavors of the cucumber, the orange, ginger and garlic go together way better than I would have imagined on my own...and it looks yummy, too. I've made some dressings that were brown and icky, but this is a nice light green color--as it should be.

Ani Phyo wins again!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Missing Raw Foods

I miss my blog and I miss eating mass quantities of raw foods.

Lately, I've been eating green smoothies almost every morning and raw salads for lunch. I have greatly reduced the amount of SAD foods I eat now that Ruthi has been born. That sounds awful. I should have been eating better while pregnant--for Ruthi and for me! I gained 45 lbs during pregnancy due to being primarily sedentary (especially after I stopped serving at a local restaurant at 7 months pregnant) and giving in to every single craving-- and I am ready to get back in shape.

Today, I am committing to this:

* 75-80% raw
* Exercise aerobically at 3-5 hours per week with at least two days of strength training (all major muscle groups)
* Yoga. Throughout the week when I can take the time to relax and have everything quiet.

And, as part of my desire to have holistic health and wellness:

* Bible time every day--I need to get back into the Word!
* Novel reading with the husband (right now we plan this once a week)
* Playing with my dog instead of just being annoyed with him...because he's awesome and I love him.
* Studying for my Literature in English GRE subject test so I can go to grad school!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fitness and Nutrition A-Z Marathon!

Hey All, I've missed you!

I am not, at this point, re-opening this blog (though I have been thinking about it!). However, the blog that is now what this blog was plus more, Blooming Mom Blog, is having an A-Z marathon this month. I got the idea from Candyland and some other authors who are doing it, but I started late. haha.

Anyway, go check it out and see what awesome stuff I am talking about:

Love you guys! :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Consolidating Blogs

Hello, everyone.

As sad as this is, I must tell you that my blog is moving. I am changing the theme to a more rounded, green-mom/live food/gardening/farming blog on Wordpress. You can find it here. Make sure you stop by and add it to your blog reader things. I really want to keep blogging about raw food but Andrew and I have recently decided to keep it simple. Green smoothies, salads, fresh fruit and veggies with each meal, etc. I have to say that after the year of raw fooding, local politics, raising my new baby, growing organic veggies, etc. have taken more of a priority in my life. I want to share all of these things with you and in one place, so that is what I'm doing.

Please stop by and check out the blog. Its pretty new, so don't expect much...but it should round out over the next few weeks--especially once the little one arrives.


This isn't exactly "goodbye" since I have another blog, but you know. Bye. Oh, I may update this blog here and there so keep subscribing to this one just in case!

Love you all!
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