Hey everyone!
The other night, Andrew and I made (I made, he ate) Ani Phyo's Ginger Almond Nori Rolls. They are BEAUTIFUL. As it turns out, I HATE nori. I know, right? Everyone in raw food land likes it, it seems. I hate how fishy it looks/tastes/is, though. Really, it's gross. I ended up pulling the insides out of my nori rolls and eating them like that.....THAT was tastey. SO, we gave them 3.5 raws because the insides are very, very yummy! However, if you don't like fish, the taste of fish, the idea of seaweed, just try it like a salad. The ginger almond pate will work as a type of ... pate dressing! :)
Here are some pictures, followed by Ani Phyo's video about how to make these:
thanks candice for the post and mention, and for trying my recipe. sorry you don't like nori! i love nori, it's a sea veggie that's great for minerals, vitamins, and chlorophyll. i hope you'll check out my new book, Ani's Raw Food Essentials. It's out April 1, and it's huge, with over 250 recipes. it's my first hard cover too. thanks again!
Hi Ani,
Thanks for posting! Yes, I think Nori is great if you like it! :) Lol, but, like I said, the insides of the rolls were delicious! I'm excited to read your book and will look forward to it. :)
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