Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10 Things About Me.

Well, I've been seeing a lot of these "10 things about me" blog posts and decided I would try one out for myself. Here are 10 things you may or may not know about me.

1. I have and love the most beautiful family on Earth. God has shown me amazing grace by providing me with the love and support of Andrew and Titus, my in-laws, and my own mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, father, etc. and THEIR families. My nephew is the most adorable baby ever. My little brother and sister bring me a ton of joy. Titus teaches me patience and rewards me with cuddles. Andrew leads and supports me in a way that is incredibly sanctifying. They are all wonderful.

2. I'm reading a book titled, "Start your Family: Inspiration for Having Babies," to get a grasp on a Biblical perspective of babies. AND why young marrieds shouldn't be afraid of them. :)

3. I'm OBSESSED with food and nutrition. ..but I also love love love to eat things like cakes and loaded pizzas and Mexican food.

4. I crave green smoothies in the afternoons, when I used to crave coffee. Of course, I still have a little coffee in the mornings, but I have cut out a LOT of it.

5. I think Ani Difranco is a genius. . . and very very close to a Biblical understanding of the world. She speaks incredible amounts of Truths in her work--and her talent moves me. My favorite song lyrics/quotes are these:
* So they went and stuffed God down the barrel of a gun and after him they stuffed his only son. (Hello Birmingham)
* Whoever said life is suffering they must have had their fingers on the pulse of joy. Aint the power of transcendence the greatest one we can employ?

6. I yearn for the Vita-Mix, the blender of all blenders that I CANNOT afford. While I love love love my home blender that we got with wedding money, the Vita-Mix beckons to me at juice bars and blogs anywhere I go. :[ It haunts me.

7. I am currently writing free-lance articles for LiveStrong.com

8. I really enjoy my job and I love my boss!!! You can check out her blog here: Justine Dell

9. My biggest guilty pleasure is watching LOST--I love love love Sawyer and Charlie, but please do not tell me ANYTHING about the finale because I AM ONLY ON SEASON 3 RIGHT NOW! Trying to catch up!

10. I want to be a dietitian, but I can't do the required internship, so I can't be one.


Lenny Lee said...

wow miss candice this is a neat post all about you. now i know you lots better. i got a surprise that miss justine is your boss. i read her stuff every day and shes soooo fun and says real honest words. i hope some day you get that blender. ...hugs from lenny

Candice said...

Thanks Lenny! Yes Miss Justine IS my boss, and a great one at that! She is just as fun and wonderful in real life as she is on her blog :)

Candice Davis said...

I love how much you appreciate your family! Sometimes I'm not as good at that as I should be. Good luck saving up for your Vitamix. It took me years to break down and buy one, but we use it several times a day.

And look at it this way: you may not be a dietician, but you're definitely inspiring people to better nutrition by sharing your journey.

JE said...

Yikes! I'm outted! Heehee.

You'll be a great mother. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. Andrew will be a great daddy too!


Candice said...

Candice, Yeah, It will be a while before I can get the Vitamix, but Andrew always tells me, "One day...one day." I use my blender about 3 times a day for various things, so it would definitely not go to waste! :]

And Justine, Thanks! :) I hope so!

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